Sorcery! Parts 1 And 2

The Beggar
Into the Clearing
Through the Gate
The Next Morning
Buy a silver chain
Head to the Festival
The Crowd
Small Tent
Barrel Boy
The Boxing Match
The Musicians
Small Hut
body in the road.
Burnt Down Hut
The Corner of a Wall
The Horse
The House
Climb the stairs
The Painting
Enter the Study
The Secret Room
Enter The Store
The Market
The Carpet Hut
The Artist
The Firemaster
Into the Slums
Buy a Ladder
You’re offering work?
Return the Fair
Fortune Telling Booth
Want to Get Smashed?
Bear Tent
Into the Well
A Ledge
In the Sewers
Look at the marks.
The Docks
The Meat and Cleaver
The Wayfarer’s Rest
Council Hall
Your title here..
The Red-Eye District
Fireview Square
Lorag’s House
Gambling Hall
The Wasteland
The Edge of the Wasteland
The Low Hove
Shinva's Tomb
Lord Shiva
The Ziggurat (Corgua’s Temple)
The North Gate

The Beggar

Parts 1 & 2 reviewed by Josh Tolentino. Impressive effort with a few noticeable problems holding it back. Won't astound everyone, but is worth your time and cash. Parts 1 And 2, Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Thief: The Dark Project, Totally Accurate Battle Simulator. 4 years ago Her Story, Read Only Memories & Cibele For $1 In Humble Narrative Bundle.

Approach Him
Greetings Old Man.
Tell Him about your quest. Be Nice and ask who he is.
You will have to fight him… Beat him, feed him and then help him up and take him with you.

Into the Clearing

Have your new friend Tomas shout the safe word then use your key to open the gate. Go in first and have him follow you.

Through the Gate

The small building has a man that will teach you about


. If you don’t feel like spending the night in jail, Look at the building and when someone comes, Tomas will distract them. Go ahead and carry on quickly.
Investigating the Low Building will get you temporarily trapped, but it is easy to escape. Cast DOP and escape quickly.
A Junction
Go Right
Head to the inn and play


with the inn owner for a few bonus gold.
Sleep Outside
Sit Up
Attack the werewolf with your sword.
Examine the body and then bury it and sleep.

The Next Morning

Look at the paths
Look Ahead
Look Left
Look Right
A crate will fall from a truck. Collect the Blimberry juice and Turn Right to go to the


Go in quietly and look around. You can collect an item or two before he catches you.
(L wall- 3 Gold, R wall- 1 Blimberry Potion, Key- near the door, Glue- Far door.)
Talk your way out of this.
Answer : Exactly. When he says he didn’t hear you come in.

Buy a silver chain

Head Right
Walk On
Stop to eat at the first promt to find your first spell line.

Head to the Festival

The Crowd

Look around.

Small Tent

Pay one gold coin to enter
Greet and then approach Marco the Amuser.
Cast Sap to “cause depression” and he will cast his green wig aside.
Pick it up.

Barrel Boy

Buy 5 rotten apples from him for 1 Gold.
Throw them at his sister.
If you hit her, you get one decent eating apple.
(Your aim will depend on how much swordfighting you did in Part One)
We are skipping the Bear and the Beer Tent for now.

The Boxing Match

You can win 10 Gold by taking the Challenge at the fight.

The Musicians

Cast JIG while they play and one will approach you after the show to update your clues.
Leave the Fair
Follow the road
Look around
Enter the

Small Hut

Slip through
Cast Jig at the Creature inside and take the Gold Backed Mirror
Head Downhill
Keep going straight down the hill until you find a

body in the road.

Roll it over and it will decide to reanimate and fight you.
Destroy it and search its throat to find another spell line.
Backtrack up to “House Doorway” and a dwarf will give you a reward to killing the thing.
Back at the First Junction
Turn Left
Go into the

Burnt Down Hut

and Search it.
Search under the mattress to find Charcoal.
You will run into a skinny guy, who gives you incentive to stay out of debt as well as recommends Vik for first noble.
Along the Street
Drink from the fountain to replace some stamina.

The Corner of a Wall

The Horse

Cast Yap at the horse to get new clues. Leave it.

The House

Head up to the House.
Look at the fountain to drink.
Look in the trees to kill the bat.
Go up to the door.
Cast DOP.
Go inside, look at the light, creep forward, look at the paintings.
Go past the scuttle. (There’s a snake in it…)
End of the corridor

Climb the stairs

Grab the handrail
Hold on!!
Top of the stairs


Take the cane
Top of the stairs


Look at the eyes
Show it that you mean no harm

The Painting

Look behind the painting
Lift it down
Try to balance
Step back and to the left
Look at the back of the canvas
(It’s Theetah- 7th Noble)
Leave the room.
Top of the stairs

Enter the Study

Go to the fire
Reach into the Fire
Step into the fire
Go forward
Feel the grooves
Examine the hole
A Keyhole?
Insert the pipe or cane
Enter the passageway.

The Secret Room

Look at the shrine
Look at the God
Read the inscription
Look at the dots
Look at the cloth
Search the bandages
Take the silver badge
The Hallway
Leave the House
Drink from the fountain


The Main Junction
Follow the main road
Keep going.
(If you go over to the crowd, you will be too late to save the sprite.)

Enter The Store

I want to look around
Buy Chain Mail Gauntlets
Buy Potion of Mystery (It is a strength potion that can be consumed as many times as you want as long as you put it in your bag and save it.)
Buy Vial of Dust
And a Few Rations
Walk on

The Market

Approach the Building
Stop and Eat
Go into the Market
Into the crowd
Below the dome
The far end
Look at the Carpets

The Carpet Hut

Look at the Carpet
If you need nose plugs, look at a few carpets and some will roll out. Look under the other carpet to find them.
Cast TEL
Attack the man.
Back to the Market
Below the Dome

The Artist

Look at his paintings
So, How do you do it?
Step inside
Artist’s Hut
Look at the canvas
Stop the brush from working
Slice at it
Stab at the canvas
A doppleganger of you will come out of the canvas… Fight yourself.
Cast POP and the doppleganger will start with 2 Stamina. Casting a lightning or fire spell will burn down the whole market.
Search the room for sketches of the Fifth, Seventh and First Nobles.
Give him a Gold Piece because life is short.
Back to the Market
Back Down The Market

The Firemaster

How do they work?
Show me.
Firemaster’s Hut
Get closer.
Cast MAG.
Look at the chest
Reach for the chest
Step into the flames
Take everything: 10 Gold and a beeswax candle
Very Impressive.
Ask him all of the questions.
(The answer to his question about the Abandoned House is “Yes.”)
Buy a small flame.
Back to the Market
Below the dome
Leave the market
Cast NIF
and follow the crowd out
Outside the Market
Drink from the Fountain
The Plaza
Make a move

Into the Slums

Greet them.
Turn to look at the speaker
Shake his hand (This is Slangg- The God of Mischief)
Follow the road
Watch the ladder man
Keep Watching
Go over to the little girl
Do you need help?
You’ve been crying.
Locked out of where?
I’ll help you.
Use magic and cast BIG.
After you put her up, talk to her and ask to

Buy a Ladder

You can Trust me.
Buy it.
Throw up the money.
Catch your rope ladder
Walk On
Sorcery! Parts 1 And 2A Junction
Drink from the fountain.
Go Right
Toss the little Girl a coin
Ask her about herself.
Play some


Bet 4 Gold and then 2 Gold.
Try to give her a coin back and she will refuse.
Into the Slums
Choose a road
Go straight on
Go over and talk

You’re offering work?

I see.
How Much?
Head downhill.
The Bath House.
Pay him.
By the pool.
Try the steam room.
Stay quiet.
Say Nothing.

Sorcery Parts 1 And 2 Boston Roberts 1894

Keep Listening.
**Note** Swimming after eavesdropping will cost you a lot of your stuff.
Head Back Uphill
Knock on the door
I’ll tell you what I heard.
Change how?
Go Left
Turn Left
Keep moving
End of the road
There is a gold piece in the fish bowl.
The Cliff Road

Return the Fair

Hit up the Mystery

Fortune Telling Booth

Want to Get Smashed?

Further into the fair, a bunch of ladies will take turns abusing you. Let them and they will give you some sand.
Enter the

Bear Tent

Wait a while
Steal the pouch of Gold and leave.
Back up the Midway
Back up the road
Head uphill and go left to look at the well.
Look down the well.
Climb down the well
Keep climbing

Into the Well

Keep Climbing Down

A Ledge

Tie the ladder to the bar
Climb down the ladder.

In the Sewers

Ignore the first pile of clothes.
Walk on.
Search the Wreckage.
Uncork the Bottle
Blimberry Juice!
Walk On.
A Chamber
Search the Rags
Dig More Carefully for 4 Gold.
Look Around the Room
A Ratbear! Cast LAW and send it away.

Look at the marks.

Read the scratched poem.
Retreat to the well.
To the Well Shaft.
At the Rung.
Cut the ladder free and climb out.
Turn Right and head to the docks.
Find the


Enter the Shrine and Step Inside
Examine the Crowd.
Ask about the challenge.
Take the challenge to convert to Slangg.
He will ask you a question and the answer will be Flanker.
(Praying to him for help will use up most of your stamina.)

The Docks

The Meat and Cleaver

Jeera the Musician
Sit with him
No luck at all
I’m not sure yet.
I’m not scared.
(The dancer tells you to sleep in the market.)
Go over to the bar
Greet the innkeeper
and talk a while.

The Wayfarer’s Rest

A Table
Talk to the lady with the eyepatch for some


Flanker the Assassin will show up and talk to you for a bit and then play more


with you.

Council Hall

(Optional) If you beat Flanker he will have you follow him to the Council.
At the Council Hall, try the door instead of waiting outside.
Flanker will be talking to some guards. Cast TEL and then talk to the first guard.
He will have you open the door. No one will be in there, so you and Flanker go inside.
The council hall will be empty and Flanker will talk to you about the Portal Traps.
(Going through the circle will land you in the sewers- a portal trap.)
Sit by the river

Your title here..

Don’t eat something
Watch the light
The Next Morning
Head for the bridge
Eat something
Knock on the booth
Ask the bridge guy a few questions to find out that the bridge won’t go down until the tide does.
Eventually, he will get around to lowering it. Just wait. Helping the man lower the bridge will damage it.
Cross the bridge.
The other sideParts
Start Moving

The Red-Eye District

A Fork in the Road.
Drink from the fountain.
Move on.
Turn Right, Ignore the Elvin Woman and Move on towards the square and Lorag’s House.
(If you Turn Left and talk to the street kids, you will get tossed right into jail.)
(**if** you…Talk to the Elvin Woman.
You seem distraught.
Tell her that you want to help and pay her 4 gold to take you to the scholar.
Following her all of the way through the square will get you attacked by a statue.
Stab it in the back of the Left leg.)

1 And 2 Automotive Dallas Tx

The man with his eyes closed will play


with you.

Fireview Square

Look at the creatures
Wave in front of one
Pick a pocket
Move away quickly.
Buy an apple and a Bomba from the Fruit stand.

Sorcery Parts 1 And 2

Approach the monument
Look at the Creatures. Wave in front of one.
Steal from a Red-Eye.
Buy an Apple and a Bomba at the Fruit Stand.
Back to the Square
Leave the square
Go to the Northern center street/alley
Cast BIG
Look at the gleam and pick up your sun stone.
Cast BIG again and go up the wall and into the yard.
Go down the steps, cast NIF, and cast DOP to unlock the cell and rescue the elf.
Keep turning right.
Head to a street
When you meet the Orclings, cast TEL to get rid of them.
Continue up the road
Look at the building
The front door-

Lorag’s House

Knock on his door and tell him you are a sorcerer and you need his help.
Give him your sword and enter his house.
Follow him and accept his wine. You are only passing through.
He needs help with some ancient spells: EJN- Confusion and UFK- Mind reading
He will ask you to fill in the missing letter of a spell. It’s a triangle.
Say that you know of the spell and he will tell his line for your trouble.
(Cast TEL to get his spell-line if all else fails)
**NOTE**He will give you a green haired wig if you didn’t get the Fair one. Cast RAP to understand his Goblin language.


Leave the house and follow the road.
Push onwards
You will see a huge fire that turns out to be a giant forge.
This is where the Blacksmith hangs out. He is selling the legendary sword for 40 Gold.
Buy it.
Move on.
Go up to the statue and steal its gold.
Leap Back and draw your sword.


After that, take the left fork to go to the market.
Buy the Silver Bow, the Tinderbox, provisions and antidote.

Gambling Hall

Back to the statue
Make a move
The right fork
Go to the Gambling Hall of Vlada and beat everyone at Swindlestones.
You will cash in your money for chips when you arrive and then for money again when youre finished.

The Wasteland

Return to the statue.
Go back to the square and follow the southern alley to a broken house.
Climb over the broken house and go into the wasteland.
Go Left.
When you see the beggar, wake him or check the pictures of the nobles.
He is Theetah. Hooray.
There are some harpies attacking him. Kill THEM.
Ask for his spell line.
Sorcery! Parts 1 And 2He won’t remember all of it. Bummer.
Give him his cane and badge back. Or not… whatever.

The Edge of the Wasteland

Moving on-

The Low Hove

l is a gnome who trades items. He has a compass, goblin teeth and beeswax for “trade.”


At the edge of the wasteland, Cast BIG and bend the bars and climb in the hole you made to the Necropolis.
Go to the older tombs and find the oldest. It’s Lorag. Weird!!
Explore the newer tombs from Oxil to Tamarin and then Shinva’s tomb.
Cast BIG and look at the ring of mushrooms.
Take the silver stake (sword).

Shinva's Tomb

Step over the ring, and enter the tomb. Cast SUN using your sun jewel.
Go down the stairs.
The door will slam shut. Just let it close.
Cast DOP.
Keep moving forward.
When you get to the bottom of the crypt, wait for the coffins to open.


When the Deathwraiths start eating you, kill them with your silver stake sword.
(Hint: Defend for their first attack)

Lord Shiva

After defeating the Deathwraith, Lord Shiva’s ghost will be at the side of the coffin. He will give you the last line of the spell.
Go up and leave the graveyard. Drink from the well for stamina.

The Ziggurat (Corgua’s Temple)

Follow the road around and look at the shadowy shape and go to the Ziggurat.
Look for an opening, then climb up.
Cast BIG. Stop climbing and look at the view. Continue your climb.
You spot an opening, so go through it.
Wait and listen, then enter.
A snake will attack you. Strike it full power first, then as strong as you can each time until it dies.
Go in. Avoid the circles.
Read the inscription. Kiss the idol.
Left eye. Right eye. Forehead. Lips.
Courga will come to life and talk to you. You may ask him three questions.
Ask him the name of the God of Pride to complete Theeta’s Spell Line.
You can agree to worship him, but be prepared to never kill anyone innocent ever.
**NOTE** If you went to the shrine earlier and followed Slangg, you can still perform the ritual and follow Coruga.
Move on to the top of the temple and cast TAK, close your fist to get a gold-backed mirror or a Black Face mask if you got the Mirror from the hut and had the glue.

The North Gate

Leave the temple and go to the fork. Go towards the gate and see the werewolves.
“Vik for First Noble” will save you a nasty werewolf fight.
Stride to the Gate and recite your spell lines.
By Courga’s grace and Fourga’s Pride,

Sorcery Parts 1 And 2 Youtube

One lock made of Golem’s Hide,
Tumblers two sealed deep inside,
I bid you portals open wide.
Wait for the gates to open, go through the gate and kill the goblins for the win.
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